
Karie Jane, a 57-year-old naturist from Derbyshire, has unveiled the unique world of nudist holidays through her resort, BHH Naturist Resort, located in the picturesque Canary Islands, Spain. With two decades of experience in the lifestyle, Karie has established a haven for those seeking the freedom of naturism. She opens up about the do’s and don’ts of the lifestyle, emphasizing respect, etiquette, and the non-sexual nature of nudism.

The Essence of Naturism

Karie’s journey into naturism began 20 years ago, leading her to set up the BHH Naturist Resort in Fuerteventura. The resort offers a clothing-optional environment where individuals, families, and couples can unwind and enjoy the liberating experience of being naked in a safe and respectful setting. Karie firmly believes that nudism is not about sexual attraction but about embracing freedom from clothing and feeling liberated.

Etiquette and Respect in Naturism

Respect and proper conduct are paramount in naturism. Karie explains that naturists must always sit on a towel when naked, both for politeness and hygiene. This simple act demonstrates consideration for others and promotes a sense of kindness and humility within the community. Regardless of whether you have just showered, sitting on a towel is a non-negotiable rule at BHH Naturist Resort.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Naturist Holidays

Body Language and Eye Contact: Proper body language is crucial in naturism. Karie advises that one should avoid sitting with legs spread wide and maintain respectful postures. Making appropriate eye contact during conversations is essential, and staring at others’ bodies is highly frowned upon. Conversations should focus on neutral topics, avoiding comments about others’ appearances.

Dealing with Erections: Karie acknowledges that erections can occur, especially for those new to nudism. She advises discreet ways to manage such situations, like turning over on a towel or staying in the water until the erection subsides. If someone is purposely drawing attention to their erection, it should be reported to the authorities, as such behavior is unacceptable.


Hygiene and Cleanliness: Showers before entering communal water areas like swimming pools or hot tubs are mandatory to prevent the transfer of dirt, oils, and other substances. This rule ensures that the water remains clean and safe for everyone. Additionally, it’s important to carry a towel at all times to sit on in public areas.

Respecting Privacy: Cameras are generally not allowed at naturist events to respect individuals’ privacy. If photos are necessary, one must obtain permission from everyone in the shot to avoid being kicked out or facing further consequences.

Jewelry and Personal Adornments: Tasteful body jewelry and piercings are acceptable as long as they are not worn in a sexual context. The focus is on maintaining a non-sexual environment where everyone feels comfortable and respected.

Clothing and Weather: While naturism promotes being naked, there are times when clothing is appropriate, such as in cold weather. However, lingerie is never considered appropriate attire. Naturists are practical and adapt to the weather while adhering to the core principles of the lifestyle.


Public Conduct: Sexual activity in public settings is strictly prohibited and illegal. Naturists must maintain decorum and engage in any affectionate acts, like holding hands or hugging, in a manner that respects the public space and others around them.

The BHH Naturist Resort Experience

Karie’s BHH Naturist Resort offers a range of activities and amenities for guests. From macramé crafting sessions to chartered yacht trips, the resort provides unique experiences tailored to different groups, including women-only and men-only retreats. These retreats foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals, clothed or not.


Karie emphasizes the transformative power of naturism. Guests often leave with a renewed sense of self and body positivity. Sally, one of the guests, described her stay as “life-changing,” while another guest, Steph, highly recommended the experience for its perfection.

Interested in experiencing the freedom of naturism? BHH Naturist Resort offers rooms starting from £80 ($101) per night. The resort’s website provides detailed information on booking and the necessary etiquette for guests. Remember, naturism is about respect, freedom, and embracing a non-sexual, liberating lifestyle.

For those curious about trying naturism, Karie assures that the resort offers a welcoming and respectful environment where everyone can feel at ease. Whether you’re a seasoned naturist or a curious newcomer, BHH Naturist Resort invites you to explore the unique and liberating world of naturist holidays.

Karie Jane’s BHH Naturist Resort stands as a testament to the liberating and respectful lifestyle of naturism. With clear guidelines on etiquette and a focus on community and respect, the resort provides a safe haven for those seeking the freedom of being in the buff. By embracing these principles, guests can enjoy a truly transformative and positive experience.

For more information or to book your stay, visit the BHH Naturist Resort website. Embrace the freedom and join a community that values respect, liberation, and body positivity.

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